ANSI 107, ISEA, & Occupational Safety
Hi-vis safety apparel is an incredibly important factor of occupational safety. Numerous construction companies and first responders all require the use of hi-viz apparel, as it’s not only integral to aiding in the creation of a safe work environment, but it is also a requirement by law under OSHA. This page covers basic details about the requirements, organizations, and standards of hi-vis apparel.
What is the OSHA & FHWA Hi-Visibility Law?
OSHA and The Federal Highway Administration’s MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) each discuss the necessary requirements of high-visibility clothing for specific work environments. The manual indicates the appropriate retroreflective colors for day and nighttime work and the class of ANSI/ISEA apparel required. Additionally, it states under section 634.3 of the Worker Visibility Rule:
“All workers within the right-of-way of a Federal-aid highway who are exposed either to traffic (vehicles using the highway for purposes of travel) or to construction equipment within the work area shall wear high-visibility safety apparel.”
What is ANSI & ISEA 107?
ANSI (American Nation Standards Institute) is a completely voluntary guide and set of standards that offers instruction on the practical applications of reflective materials and design. ISEA (International Safety Equipment Association) is a partner with ANSI and OSHA. They aided in the creation of the ANSI/ISEA 107 hi-visibility apparel classes and provided safety information on personal protective and safety equipment. The ANSI/ISEA 107 class system is defined by the technical design and the minimum amount of reflective material and configuration. The system is divided by type O, R, or P and class 1-3.
Why These Organization and Hi Viz Safety Apparel is Important
First responders, construction workers, and leisure cyclists all have one thing in common, they all interact in environments where motor vehicles operate. Occupational safety, OSHA, ANIS/ISEA 107, and hi-vis safety apparel go hand in hand in the effort to reduce accidents and decrease fatalities caused by poor visibility. For these reasons, HALTZGLOVES is lending their aid in this endeavor toward hi-viz safety with our selection of reflective gloves.